Tuesday 27 January 2009

initial ideas

here are the initial ideas for the basis of our opening film sequence:

- setting and location: college grounds (corridor with lockers, toilets, outside etc)
- costume: bright, colorful clothes, big sunglasses, handbag, massive earrings
- props: ipod, lockers, earphones and big handbag

initial ideas:
- establishing shot of stereotypical girl walking down school corridor by herself, as she walks, she slips over suddenly.
- establishing shot of 'perfect' boy and a slow motion shot of him smiling.
- close up of each of their eyes noticing each other.
- girl runs into bathroom, puts on ipod, and begins to dance while putting makeup on.
- girl carries on dancing, and exits the toilet. gets too carried away with dancing and doesn't realise the 'perfect' boy has walked out of the boy's loos and stopped to watch her.
- she spins around, realises he's watching her, gasps, turns and runs straight into the toilet door and slips onto her back.

this is a vague outline of what we wish to happen within our opening film sequence- it may be altered during the filming process.

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